After all, what are the differences between two sustainable and independent Portuguese brands, but which come from the hands of the same craftsman?
By now you should already know our second brand Saudade Baskets - and if not, don't miss the opportunity to experience a tribute to the authenticity of the Portuguese Basket of Reed in an ethically sustainable concept in - soon available also in english!
At Saudade Baskets you will find the same values and philosophy of life, but at different prices. Why? Because this brand preserves the nostalgia of many Portuguese. Victoria Handmade is our future, however, Saudade Basket is our childhood, which we want to remember and preserve as long as we can.
Side by side, you will find obvious differences between both brands. Today we are going to clarify all of them!
These are the main differences between both brands that, despite coming from the same craftsman - ourselves! - there are details that make the difference.
At the moment the website is not available in English. But very soon we will have that option! Until then, if you understand Portuguese, know that we ship worldwide :)